Food52's Automagic Holiday Menu Maker

Food52's Automagic Holiday Menu Maker
Choose your holiday adventure! Our Automagic Menu Maker is here to help.
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January 4, 2017
Thanks for rerunning this article, I missed it last year. Tried this last night with tonic and it was a perfect after-work drink.
December 28, 2015
Slightly off topic, but I found that a couple dashes of bitters & some tonic made a white wine that was way too sweet for me palatable. It ended up being pretty refreshing and with less alcohol than a regular glass of wine which is great for me on those work nights I really crave a glass of wine but can easily have 1 too many.
Wallis P.
December 27, 2015
I agree.....mine.... Sodasream, and blood orange bitters, little squeeze of fresh orange. Soothing
kate B.
December 24, 2015
You just saved (my) Christmas and all subsequent holidays and parties. Thank you.
Amanda H.
December 21, 2015
Just home from a holiday trifle party and am now drinking seltzer with cherry bitters. No kidding.
December 21, 2015
Everyone focused on the bar drink but the tip to stock up on seltzer is huge! Buy a case of big bottles. Put one in the fridge and keep the rest in the root cellar. I also make a quart of fresh ginger syrup. It is a great way to add a seasonal kick to any drink -- alcoholic or not.
December 21, 2015
This was my pregnancy drink! Because I decided bitters didn't really count as alcohol if measured in a dash or two.
Theresa L.
December 21, 2015
Or for an actual cocktail in this vein but a little more-ish, put an ounce of Amaro on ice and top it with soda. Still sweet, yes, still bitter, slightly more boozy but not exhaustingly so for the buzz-weary drinker.
Jane L.
December 21, 2015
I was gifted with bitters for Chanukah and my new favorite is Fee Brothers. Love all bitters.
liz O.
December 21, 2015
Why do you feel like you have to have even "a little" alcohol in order to enjoy yourself. If you are tired of drinking and being hungover, perhaps you should rethink your drinking habits.
ellen P.
December 27, 2015
Why would you mock someone offering helpful & conservative advice? The light-hearted delivery will reach more people than your morally-weighted criticism. This information is timely. Thanks food52!
December 27, 2015
If society thinks that Liz Okamura's non-judgmental, morally-neutral, helpful comment is judgmental and morally weighted, then we are officially screwed.
July 17, 2024
Hey, from what I understand, the 'neutral alcohol' used in bitters is a part of the distillation process.
I'm not sure that people 'feel like they have to have even a little alcohol to enjoy themselves' but rather that it's very difficult to find alcohol-free bitters:
Or am I mistaken?
I'm not sure that people 'feel like they have to have even a little alcohol to enjoy themselves' but rather that it's very difficult to find alcohol-free bitters:
Or am I mistaken?
December 21, 2015
How did I not know of this sooner? My pounding head thanks you in advance......
December 21, 2015
Angostura all the way :-) !!! (though I'm also partial to tea pot bitters)
Lauren K.
December 21, 2015
Pro tip: this is also a good drink if you are tired of spending tons of money out and about. Many (but not all) bars will pour it for you for free.
Marian B.
December 21, 2015
this is great and true! the bad part is sometimes bars charge you for plain seltzer and you have to try not to cry
Michael H.
December 21, 2015
There is no beverage I'm fonder of. I like to dash the bitters over ice and then pour the seltzer over that. If you're lucky, you get a frothy, pink head. Which is fun!
November 17, 2018
Thanks, I just made one like this and it's perfect!
Great article, my parents used bitters a lot (dad being a bartender) and now I know why!
Great article, my parents used bitters a lot (dad being a bartender) and now I know why!
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