Desiccant Or Liquefier? Pepper Corns Turning To Liquid
I recently go help from here regarding my onion and garlic powder turning to concrete. The desiccant sachets help with the caking tremendous;y (and I learned two new words - thank you everyone!) I've had a similar issue with my salt grinder and used the same, with the sachet sitting on top of the salt, which has worked, However, I thought I'd do the same with the pepper corns - bad move! When I took it out of the cupboard two days later, about 30% of the content had turned to liquid. Is it me or do pepper corns just not like whatever it is in those sachets? Thanks!
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Never heard of this.
And peppercorns are among the sturdiest and longest lasting spices.
I can only guess that some chemicals or elements in the desiccant and the pepper interacted to cause liquifaction.
I would throw this batch out as the desiccant packages are unsafe to eat.
And store peppercorns dry alone in air tight container (usually glass or metal), and away from heat and appliances.
Happy new year!