Description of what cake should look like feel like when done

It would help if you would give some descriptions of how jiggly or other descriptive terms of what the cake looks like when done. We all know that ovens are different and I have not a clue from your recipe as of what I'm looking for. Any help?

  • Posted by: Dan
  • December 30, 2024


Food52-Hotline December 31, 2024
Hi Dan!

For a cake with such a thin amount of filling, I think you should see a slight jiggle but more set than usual for a cheesecake.

Hope this helps!

- Justin from the Hotline team
Amanda H. January 1, 2025
Hi Dan! This is my mom's recipe. And Justin is right. Because it has a sour cream topping over the cream cheese base, it doesn't wiggle quite as much as a typical cheese cake at either stage. If the sour cream topping begins to crack, you'll know you went too far; it's better to under-bake than over-bake this cheesecake.
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